PCT day 23 – Wrightwood 

We always plan to lie in on a rest day but no, everyone is up early, so we went to breakfast. Why do Americans always serve a random bit of fruit with their breakfast? I also tried biscuits and gravy – wrong on so many levels. 

Time for chores – I had loads of food left over from my last resupply where I went to the supermarket and just put a load of random stuff in my basket, so this time I sorted my food and made a list so I spent a lot less money this time. This was the worst thing I could find in the supermarket...

There isn't much to write about today as I spent most of the day updating my blog and phoning my parents. 

Other people came in during the afternoon Kat and Cuban, Cool Breeze, Marathon John, JBird, a few others. 

We went to a Mexican restaurant for Cinco de Mayo and had margaritas.  

Then we went to bed. Tomorrow we get back on the trail after a nice rest. 

I have received so many lovely messages from my friends, my family and lots of strangers through my blog, Instagram, Facebook, text and email. I absolutely love getting messages from people. I don't always get the chance to reply, but I read all of your messages when I get service and they are often just the boost I need. Keeping the blog updated is a big mental challenge as I write about my day every night in my tent and sometimes I am ready to just go to sleep! So the encouragement is very welcome. Thank you to the kind stranger who donated to Cancer Research, thank you Aly. 


PCT day 24 – Baden Powell 


PCT day 22 – Above the clouds